El sp3 de Windows XP finalmente no vio la luz ayer día 29 como estaba previsto, la razón es una incompatibilidad encontrada a última hora con Microsoft Dynamics RMS. No hay que asustarse ya que algo parecido ya pasó en Vista SP1 y parece que el hotfix a instalar en RMS ya está por la calle, con lo que la publicación de SP3 se prevé inminente.
De todas formas si queréis probar el SP3 de XP hay una puerta trasera por aquí, pero a parte de que no os aconsejo que lo utilicéis en producción, previamente es mejor informarse bien sobre el producto. David está pegando caña ya con ello y en su blog os aconseja también echar un vistazo al overview.
“I wanted to update you on today’s planned release to web (RTW) (of XP SP3). In the last few days, we have uncovered a compatibility issue between Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System (RMS) and Windows XP SP3 and Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1).
“In order to make sure customers have the best possible experience we have decided to delay releasing Windows XP SP3 to Windows Update and Microsoft Download Center.
“To help protect our customers, we plan to put filtering in place shortly to prevent Windows Update from offering both service packs to systems running Microsoft Dynamics RMS. Once filtering is in place, we expect to release Windows XP SP3 to Windows Update and Download Center.
“Until we have published a fix for this issue, we advise Microsoft Dynamics RMS customers to not install either service pack. Microsoft Dynamics RMS customers running Windows XP SP3 or Windows Vista SP1 should contact Microsoft Customer Support Services for additional information.
“The fix is currently in testing and will be available as soon as that process is complete.”
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